The School Improvement Grant (SIG) can be used to support any classroom or school based initiative that is creative, innovative, and instructional - one that cannot, and perhaps should not, be funded through the regular instructional fund. Equipment items like computers, scanners, printers, etc. will usually not be considered for funding. The initiative should be one that you as an instructor, administrator, coach,etc. always wanted to do with your students, but could not because there were no available funds. School Improvement grant funds cannot be used to pay staff. The grant is awarded over two (2) years.
THOSE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY: ANY certified member of the Gary Community School Corporation
APPLICATION: The application is four (4) pages (not including this page). Responses to the outlined request for information should be done in NARRATIVE FORMAT. Follow the sequence of areas as they are organized. The budget MUST reflect how the funds will be expended for each year. Please BE EXPLICIT.
EVALUATION: The Gary Educational Development Foundation, Inc. needs to know how well the grant funds are meeting the needs of the students. Describe your evaluation design. At the end of Year I, submit your midterm evaluation results. This action will trigger payment for Year II. A final evaluation, which should include a report of all expenditures, will be due at the end of the grant period.
AWARD AMOUNT: Maximum award is $2,000. 50% of total amount awarded will be disbursed in Year I. The other 50% will be disbursed for Year II after the Grant Review Committee receives a mid-term evaluation.The committee will consider granting the $2,000.00 in one disbursement in some circumstances deemed beneficial to the entire district.
Gary Educational Development Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Delphia Shelton, Grant Review Committee Chairman
P.O. Box 641257 | Gary, IN 46401-1257
OR FAX TO: (219) 886-6572
ATTN: Grant Review Committee
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